In Colorado, the Living Will is called the “Declaration as to Medical Treatment". It tells your doctor what to do about artificial life-support measures if you have a terminal illness and are unable to speak for yourself, or you are in a “persistent vegetative state” (a state of permanent unconsciousness involving massive brain damage but not “brain death”).

Your Living Will does not go into effect until 48 hours after two doctors agree in writing that you have a terminal condition and are unable to speak for yourself or you are in a persistent vegetative state. In these circumstances, your Living Will directs your doctors to continue or discontinue, as you specified in the document, life-sustaining procedures, artificial nutrition, and artificial hydration. It is important to note that a Living Will is not the same as a regular will (“Last Will and Testament”) or a Living Trust, which refers to possessions and property.

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    Suite 103,
    Colorado Springs, Colorado 80903